Ways to Donate

We Thrive On Your Support!

Each year we strive to enrich, inspire and serve our extended community with music, education, and community based programs. Senior Concerts, Sensory Friendly and Family programming, community partnerships, Adopt-a-School and Mentors in Music education opportunities, free 5th grade and July 4th concerts, and of course our full slate of orchestra performances at the Longmont Museum, Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, and other community locations. Consider how you can help us serve and support our shared community by making a tax-deductible contribution or IRA charitable rollover today!

Benefits for Individuals

Or, donate via ColoradoGives.org »

Benefits for Businesses

Or, donate via ColoradoGives.org »

All donations are tax deductible

Ask us about charitable rollovers

All donations are tax deductible • Ask us about charitable rollovers •

Sponsor-A-Chair Program

Support the Longmont Symphony Orchestra by sponsoring a chair or musician for the entire season! You can become an integral part of our cultural legacy by sponsoring a principal, associate principal, or section musician. Your tax-deductible contribution will help continue our tradition of sharing outstanding classical music and outreach programs throughout the community. As a chair sponsor, your gift will be acknowledged in our concert programs and on the web site. In addition, you will have opportunities to meet the musician you helped support. See the Levels of Giving below! Call us at 303.772.5796 or email info@longmontsymphony.org for details.

The Gift of Legacy

Legacy giving, sometimes referred to as “planned giving,” is a donation made by an individual through a will or other formal designation. Legacy gifts are typically prepared with a financial planner and are meant to reflect the values and desires of the donor. If you currently give to the LSO, and would like to know that your giving will continue to support the LSO for many years to come, consider this beautiful way to donate. Call us at 303.772.5796 or email info@longmontsymphony.org for details.

About IRA Charitable Rollover Options

If you are 70 ½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit LSO and receive tax benefits in return. You can give any amount up to $100k per year from your IRA directly to a qualified 501c3 like ours without having to pay income taxes on the contribution. This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD.

Other Methods of Donating

Would rather connect in person or by mail? Donations can be mailed by check to: Longmont Symphony Orchestra, P.O. Box 74, Longmont, CO 80502. Checks can be made out to Longmont Symphony Orchestra. We are also available by phone at 303.772.5796 during our business hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10am-3pm!

Volunteer with the LSO

The LSO is a dynamic family of people deeply interested in meaningful connection and stewardship of community through arts based initiatives. Learn more about how you can volunteer, join our board, work with the administrative team, or become an orchestra member!