In The Schools
With a focus on music education, LSO is excited to bring educational programs to the community through various enrichment and engagement opportunities.
Adopt-A-School Program
Musicians of the Longmont Symphony Orchestra perform in over 30 Saint Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) schools annually, reaching more than 5,000 2nd-5th grade students. These ensembles consist of LSO string quartets, brass quintets, woodwind quintets, and percussion ensembles. The musical experience inspires young students to inquire about playing some of the instruments they see and hear with this LSO outreach, and inspire them to become part of the music programs at these district schools. For more information about this program, email us at info@longmontsymphony.org.
Annual 5th Grade Concert
The Longmont Symphony Orchestra performs two free concerts annually, at Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, located at Skyline High School, Longmont. This performance reaches over 2,400 5th grade students at the time in their school life, that musical instrument opportunities are introduced to them. This, in many cases, is the first time in their young lives that they experience hearing a live performance of a symphony orchestra, inspiring them to want to become a part of something musically exciting and inspiring. For more information about this program, email us at info@longmontsymphony.org.
Mentors in Music
Longmont Symphony Orchestra musicians help to mentor middle school and high school students. These wonderful musicians help them along in their path to mastering a musical instrument. For more information about this program, email us at info@longmontsymphony.org.
Doing More In Education
If you have suggestions for us or questions about any of these programs, please contact us at: info@longmontsymphony.org or 303.772.5796